Tuesday, March 23, 2010

World and Space

This volume is not too bad, perfect for the young budding scientists to get their basics from. The pictures from space would probably be better today and a couple of subjects are out of date but mostly a very helpful book for starting a kid out on the mysteries of space and the planet Earth.

The article related to these illustrations wasn't bad, it was just how the sun helps to produce food. I just find that the little sparkly magic photosynthesis stars make the cows look like they are riddled with gunshot wounds or parasites. It doesn't make the food that appetizing either.

This is one of those outdated subjects. Asbestos gloves anyone? I hope anyone out there who lets kids read this edition tells them about how bad asbestos is.

I don't care what astronomers say, Pluto is still a planet! That's what I was taught and that's what I believe.

Now that there's GPS tracking and Google Earth/Maps that can be brought up on your cell phone the production of paper maps seems kinda illogical. But still I always like to look over an old map, aesthetically they are still cool, and it's always good to have something to crinkle up or rip apart when you're so lost.

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