I got a new camera this week and I'm still trying to get used to it. One thing I have to say is that digital thinks took much for you. Even on the manual setting the camera is trying to anticipate too much for me; it focuses on the wrong things and won't let me blur what I want. I have to hold the lens to take the photos sometimes.
I have to say that it's great that I can take hundreds of photos at a time, and the camera is much lighter than my old film ones. The lens is fantastic too, it's much more diverse than my older ones so I don't have to tote around three different lens to change. I miss the simplistic light meter of my old Canon though, I know exactly how to adjust it in accordance to the film I'm using. I just need to practice.
One thing digital doesn't do, and I bet may never, is give you a nice glow to your subjects (especially in black and white, and especially on nice overcast days).